NY SEQRA Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Our team prepares accurate and consistent analysis using thorough research and site investigations. We identification impacts and develop acceptable and appropriate mitigations for all aspects of SEQRA, including the following:
- Land Use & Zoning (including comprehensive plan amendment and DGEIS)
- Geology (including subsurface investigation)
- Surface and Groundwater Resources (including hydrogeologic study)
- Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (including Habitat Studies, Conservation Plans & Implementation Agreements)
- Ecology (Terrestrial and Aquatic Species & Habitats)
- Traffic, Air and Noise Analysis
- Cultural, Historic and Archeological Studies
- Community Facilities
- Visual Impacts
- Fiscal Assessment
We are especially qualified to assist applicants navigating SEQRA environmental impact review because of our long-standing presence in the region, our unparalleled reputation for client satisfaction and our ability to expedite required permits from Local, State and Federal approving authorities. Our Director of Planning Services and talented multidisciplinary staff are dedicated to streamlined SEQRA project management. We are flexible and ready to address program issues immediately.
In New York State, most land development and redevelopment projects fall under SEQRA jurisdiction. The SEQRA requirements were enacted in 1975 and were modeled after the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. SEQRA is regulated via 6 NYCRR Part 617 State Environmental Quality Review and enabled by Article 8 of the NYS Environmental Conservation Law. The SEQRA process is formulated to produce facts indicating whether a proposed action will, or will not, have significant environmental impacts. If significant impacts are projected, appropriate mitigations must be proposed.